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Pediatric Physical Therapy at RPT

Restorative Physical Therapy prides itself on being able to treat individuals all across the lifespan, from 1 month old to 100 years old. On the younger end of the spectrum, our new therapist, Maya, thoroughly enjoys pediatric physical therapy. As a retired gymnast herself, Maya spent a lot of time in and out of physical therapy as a child and teenager due to various and multiple injuries. Because of this, she wants to be able to give back to children who have gone through similar experiences as herself.

Maya is able to build good rapport not only with the child themselves, but also the family member(s) or guardian(s) in charge of the child’s health. She has experience working with children as young as 4 months old all the way into the young 20s. While experienced with rehabilitating conditions such as Osgood-Schlatters disease, Sever’s disease, and fractures after a fall, Maya’s biggest passion is helping children get better after sports-related injuries. She has experience working with dancers, gymnasts, cheerleaders, volleyball players, soccer players, basketball players, and baseball players, thus having treated a variety of sports-related injuries.

If you are looking for a place to bring your child, Restorative Physical Therapy is the place for you and your child! Any inquiries you may have regarding potential treatment, please give our office a call and we will be happy to assist you!


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